The longitudinal profile is a fundamental characteristic of the pavement. Its defects impact both the life of the latter, but also the comfort and safety of users.
As such, road managers must be vigilant in maintaining the level of service of the longitudinal evenness and the macrotexture.
In order to provide objective management elements, the digital longitudinal profiler, integrated by viapix systems, allows proven and elaborate auscultations which will be conducted efficiently thanks to its concept of compact and portable equipment.
It allows to quickly cover hundreds of kilometres to determine the indicators used in this investigation.

The proposed technical solution is based on the use of an existing inertial profilometer on the market: the LaserProf from Greenwood Engineering.
This sensor complies with the requirements of a Class 1 (metrological) longitudinal profile measuring device according to ASTM E950.
The system, equipped with a distance signal, is controlled by a VIAPIX Acquisition module which ensures the supervision and control of the measures.
- Longitudinal sampling of the profile: 1 mm
- Vertical resolution: ≤ 0,1 mm
An application is provided for the interpretation of the acquired data.
It allows, if necessary, a re-reading of the pseudo-profiles (relative elevations of the profile along the axis of circulation), as well as the visualization of the various calculable indicators.
All the indicators are exported in the form of text files in CSV format, and available in the database specific to the VIAPIX system.
- LASER Class 1
- Selcom brand LASER sensor
- 64 khz sampling frequency for uni-longitudinal and macrotexture measurement
- Wavelengths between [0.5 mm and 50 mm] and [0.5 m and 45 m]
- Sampling frequency 16 khz for uni-longitudinal measurement – Wavelength between [0.5 m and 45 m]
- Sherborne Sensors Limited accelerometer: ± 2 g
- One to two measurement traces (in tread or central)
- Maximum acquisition speed: 150 km/h
- Operating temperature: 0° +40°C
- Weight of the support + sensor assembly: 22 kg
Equipped with robust mechanics and connectors for harsh environments, the Laser sensors can be positioned along the rigid beam, in order to meet measurement needs (right and left treads, axis of the track, …)

Available indicators |
Units | Descriptions |
Uni-longitudinal | ||
IRI | m/km | International Roughness Index |
Profile raw data |
mm |
File containing the elevations according to the distance travelled z=f (cumulative) |
Macrotexture | ||
MPD | mm | Mean Profile Depth / Profondeur Moyenne de Profil |
LASER validity rate |
% |
Degree of validity of distance meter measurements |